
Mount Merapi Mount Merapi (2914 m) are still regarded as an active volcano and the most dangerous in Indonesia, but it offers a panoramic and beautiful natural attractions and amazing. Geographically located in the border district of Sleman (Yogyakarta), Regency Magelang (Central Java), Boyolali district (Central Java) and Klaten (Central Java). Drive 30 km to the north of Yogyakarta, 27 km to the east of the city of Magelang, 20 km west from the city of Boyolali and 25 km to the north of the city of Klaten.
According to Atlas Van Nederland Tropische sheet 21 (1938) lies in the geographical position of 7 degrees 32.5 'south latitude and 110 degrees 26.5' East Longitude. With a height of 2914 m above sea level. Being at the crossroads of the border transverse fault DIY and Central Java and Java cross Longitudinal fault (see Lucas Triyoga Saso, 1990, Java & Mount Merapi Human Perception and Systems faith, Gadjahmada Univ. Press). Erupted over 37 times, the largest in 1972 that killed 3000 people. Kliwon last erupted on Tuesday 22 November 1994, with a death toll of more than 50 people
Mythology G. Merapi.

To understand the mythology of Mount Merapi could not be separated from the philosophy of Yogyakarta with the Palace as pancernya. The city is split by an imaginary axis connecting the South Sea, Parangkusumo - Stage Krapyak - Palace - Pal Putih Monument and Mount Merapi. Philosophically, it is divided into two aspects, namely Jagat Jagat Alit and Ageng.

Jagat alit, which break down the process of beginning-end of life and human life with all the behaviors that straight so terpahaminya essence of life and human life, illustrated with planology city of Yogyakarta as the City of the King at that time. Planning the city stretching from south to north starting from Stage Krapyak, ending at Monument White Pal. This emphasizes the reciprocal relationship between the Creator and man as ciptaannnya (Sangkan Paraning dumadi).

In the course of human life are tempted by a variety of worldly pleasures. The temptation can be a woman and the property depicted in the form Beringharjo. The temptation will be described by a complex power Kepatihan all of which are on the right side on the straight road between the palace and monument the White Pal, as a symbol of man who is close to his creator (Manunggalaing subjects Gustavo).
Jagat Ageng, which break down about life and community life, where the community leaders siapapaun he always have to make conscience of the people as the first wife and ultimately to realize the welfare of mentally and physically for the community based on the determination and confidence that only one creator who is the Greatest. Ageng universe is described by an imaginary line from the south Parangkusuma at Sea - the Palace of Yogyakarta - Mount Merapi. This is further emphasized the relationship between human beings living in a world where a man has to understand first the essence of life and life so as to achieve the perfection of life (Manungggaling subjects Gustavo).
Mount Merapi occupy an important position in Javanese mythology, believed to be the center of the kingdom being fine, as "Swarga pangrantunan", the travel path of life are depicted with imaginary axis and the line connecting the spiritual continuity of South Sea - Stage Krapyak - the Palace of Yogyakarta - Monument White Pal - Mount Merapi. This symbol has a meaning about the process of human life from birth until facing to the Supreme Creator.
According to folklore told by Interpreter Lock Merapi named R. Ng. Surakso Hargo or often called mbah Marijan Merapi is said that the Palace was supposedly controlled by the professor and professor Rama Permadi. Before human life, state of the world tilted unstable. Guru ordered to both the professor to make kris, as the land of Java for world heritage stable. It is not yet finished sending the trigger to move the Gods G. Jamurdipa which was originally located in the South Sea to the central part of Java Island, north of Yogyakarta (now) where both the professor is currently working on the job. Because insisted holding on "Word Pendhita Queen" (the only words and deeds) and do not want to move their activities, then there was war between the Gods with both the professor was eventually won by both the professor is.

Hearing the defeat of the Gods, Bayu Batara Guru ordered to punish them by blowing G. Jamurdipa so large fly in the wind to the north and falls right above the fireplace, and burying the dead professor Rama and Permadi. But actually he did not die just turned into another shape and eventually mastered Kraton spirits in that place. Since then his spirit is believed to lead the kingdom of Mount Merapi. Merapi Palace Community is a community spirit when they live in this world who do good deeds. For those who always do bad deeds that his spirit can not be accepted in the community being refined Palace Merapi, usually kept nglambrang everywhere and then alighted on a boulder, bridges, etc. abyss into watchman place.

According to folklore the others who also told by mbah Marijan: It is said that during the Mataram kingdom during the rule rather Panembahan Senopati founder of Mataram Dynasty (1575-1601). Panembahan Senopati have a girlfriend who called Queen of South, South Sea Authority. When the two are making love he was given a "endhog universe" (eggs of the world) to eat. But advised by Ki Interpreter Mertani for Endog universe is not eaten but given just to Ki Park Interpreter. After eating it was interpreting the Garden turned into a giant, with a hideous face. Then Panembahan Senopati ordered the giant to go to G. Merapi and Merapi appointed Patih Palace, called Kyai Sapujagad. (Marijan 1996, interview)

As the embodiment of trust Mataram Palace of mystical allies namely the existence of the South Palace (in Samodera Indonesia) and Merapi Palace, then held a procession Labuhan. Labuhan anchoring comes from the word which means offerings. Ritual Karaton Mataram (Yogyakarta and Surakarta) is a manifestation of offering prayer to God Almighty for the Palace and its people are always given the safety and prosperity. Labuhan usually held in several places, among others, in: G. Merapi, Beach Parangkusumo, G. Lawu and Goda Dlepih. Usually carried out to launch a big ceremony such as Tingalan Jumenengan. The goods belong to the king who dilabuh include: Semekan gift, semekan, fabric CINDE, lorodan layon sekar, clipping rikmo, and kenoko for a year, a set of clothing and kuluk Kanigoro sultan.

Besides the harbor there are several other selamatan ceremony conducted by the local community, such as: Alms Mountain, Livestock salvation, salvation Tuesday and Friday POND POND, Missing Persons Seeking salvation, salvation in a trance, Bali Sekul salvation, salvation Take a corpse, for safety Merapi Facing Danger , etc.. Two of them indicated by Becekan Ceremony and Ceremony following Lahar Flood.

Ceremony Becekan, Dandan also called Kali or Kali Memetri meaning to maintain or improve the environment of the river, a ceremony to ask for rain in the dry season which lasts in Kalurahan Kepuharjo, District Cangkringan, Sleman regency. The river water is very important for the local population for agricultural purposes. It is said that the ceremony is usually held immediately after the rain so the ground became muddy then last called becekan. Muddy defined as intangible offerings of cooked goat meat curry. Hamlet who perform this ceremony, among others: Pagerjurang Hamlet, Hamlet and Hamlet Manggong billowing. Implementation is divided into several stages: First, memetri wells in the hamlet of billowing (in the region that has only this village wells); Second, Becekan ceremony conducted in the midst of Gendol River; Third special ceremonies in each hamlet. This ceremony is intended to pray for rain to God Almighty for the soil to be fertile, so that people become healthy, safe, happy and prosperous. Time implementation, using pranotomongso namely on Friday morning mongso Kapat and POND, if at mongso Kapat no Kliwon Friday postponed the mongso kalima, because that day is considered sacred. The ceremony is led by a muezzin, and was followed by three village residents. Please note that this entire series of events must be made / followed by the men and offerings at all should not be touched by the woman and the goat to the offerings have goats.

Lahar Flood ceremony, the tradition of the population around the volcano, especially in responding to disasters lava. One of them can be seen in Hamlet tambakan, Sindumartani Village, District Cangkringan, Sleman regency, as one of the villages that are often impassable lava disaster (cold or hot) from Mount Merapi.
The ceremony is a prayer to ask the safety and protection of Almighty God for all the residents to avoid distress, accompanied by offerings of coconut laying in the river are expected to be passed lava. This is done when you've seen the signs of impending natural disasters lava that they have known for generations.

Residents who live on the banks of rivers that disgorge at Mount Merapi sometimes hear strange noises at night, for example, the tinkling sound of passing trains golden. It is said that the Palace is a sign that Merapi is sending a group within the framework of intent to marry one of her relatives with residents of the South Sea Palace. This was interpreted as a mystical sign that soon will happen that will flood lava through the river, so for those who know will soon make security measures and rescue.

The purpose of organizing the various processions salvation is said to pray for the safety and abundance of good fortune to God Almighty and give alms to the spirits so as not to disturb the occupants of Merapi residents, peaceful and free from distress, so as to create a harmony between human and natural environment. If the negative human behavior then it will negatively alampun.
The concept of balance which became wisdom residents around Mount Merapi is the implementation of the values ​​that they believe that the residents would be furious when deviating from the rules of nature are correct and balanced. Location of harmony not only lies in the offerings provided but the behavior that always endeavored not to nyebal (deviate) from kaedah-kaedah balance of nature, which is always in harmony harmony and balance to maintain the integrity of ecosystems.


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